Tailored courses delivered by trainers with top business expertise. Hands-on learning to facilitate sustainable change.

Our integrated training and development programs are built specifically for each client.

Our rich Keystone portfolio addresses different types of populations and management levels within an organisation and covers an entire series of essential competences, from managing yourself to managing teams, interactions, projects and change.

Every course is built specifically for each client, considering the specifics of the business, its strategies and objectives, as well as participants’ development needs.

All of our courses have a strong practical approach and consist in a high level of interaction between participants and the trainer, whether in-class or online. The proportion of practical sessions comprises 60-70% of a course’s duration.

Previews from the portfolio. For more information regarding the structure, content, and methodology behind our development programs, please contact us.

The structure of an integrated development program may consist of:

  • determination and analysis of individuals’ development needs, of the degree to which the program will satisfy these needs and of the way in which, after implementation, its success will be measured
  • elaboration of content and delivery methods so that the entire program (agenda, presentations, individual and group exercises, case studies, role-play, interactions with participants) accords with its objectives and the specifics of the audience
  • training courses delivered with a high degree of interactivity with the participants, designed to help them understand and assimilate the delivered knowledge and practice the relevant abilities
  • follow-up activities: interactive workshops, practical evaluations, on-field training; participants are supported to effectively use in their work the newly learned methods and techniques
  • coaching sessions that help participants develop an even better grasp of their existing abilities, resources and talents
  • team-building events that follow the natural stages of team formation and consolidation, encouraging individuals to collaborate in delivering high performance
  • organisational and business consultancy activities: creating proper evaluation/employee development tools, making sales and distribution systems more efficient.

Looking for tailored solutions for your people

… or you simply want to know more about our approach to training & potential partnerships?
Reach out to start a conversation and discover how we can best serve you.